
Hey, It’s Anthony, Mr. Mountain Man!

Hiking has always been a part of my life, from the beginning, my earliest memories of hiking were during summer with my family. I remember my family having a convoy of minivans touring through Kananaskis and Banff every weekend! My fondest memories were spirited with carefree adventures and the energy was unforgettable because I was fortunate to do it with the people I love the most. 

My family was very close at the time but over the years we grew apart. The kids got older and began to fill their lives with the everyday stresses of society and “To hike as a family” seemed to fade away slowly. Weeks became years and the year became a decade since we’ve been doing what we loved. Hiking was something I always wanted to do regularly, unfortunately, I did not have a car and my parents were too busy working around the clock to keep finances afloat. Our favorite family past-time slowly disappeared and wasn’t a priority anymore nor was the chance of restoring our favorite weekend activity…

Years go by and I find myself getting into trouble with the law..

The memory of being arrested, being labeled a criminal, losing my job, disappointing my parents, and realizing how I was living my life took its toll on my mental health; it put me in my darkest moments with an unforgiving depression. The worst part was slowly realizing my freedom will never be the same, something I took for granted for so long, and so thoughts of a normal life suddenly became a fairytale. A few months later my lawyer called me, He was able to register me in a program that would be one-year probation that required tons of community service and as long as I stayed clean from criminal activity and paid back what I owed, I could have my criminal record erased for good.

This was good news. This was the spark I needed to get back on my feet again and it was the most profound feeling of urgency that I have ever felt in my life. This was now a chance to start fresh and reinvent myself, truly embracing the lesson that unfolded throughout this experience. My life became clear, I need to give back to the community and change my life by helping others. I went to school to become an EMT, immediately started to make necessary work towards my personal growth, made a ton of progress with my health (I lost 50 lbs), and felt the best I have ever felt. I also took up new hobbies like photography, and most importantly, I got back into hiking again.

During this whole time of uncertainty and constant change, there was only one thing that was consistent... It was my love for the mountains. No matter how chaotic my internal and external world gets, the mountains always served me as a reminder of what life is about. Regardless of the weather or terrain, nature is always beautiful. Its imperfections and uniqueness are what make it perfect. A balance of storms, sunny days, dangerous terrain, and safe passages, all culminate and teaches us to accept what is there. Much like us, we are not always consistent but rather so insanely unique. If we stop and observe what's around us and within us, we can then appreciate what life has to offer. Hiking reenergized that adventurous childhood spirit within me, it reflected the freedom that I have and how close I was to losing it. Hiking symbolizes how life works with the path I take going through the rough terrain of my failures and success. Hiking didn’t just become a hobby for me, it was a lifestyle that brought me back to the right path that I neglected.

I have completed over 300 hikes from all around the world (aiming for 1000!) and I’m so excited to guide you every step of the way on your next adventure. I hope hiking reignites the inner adventurous childhood spirit for you as it did for me and continues to make a profound impact on your life. 

- Anthony